Composição automatizada de serviços geográficos baseada em requisitos de qualidade de geodados / Automated composition of geospatial services based on geodata quality requirements


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The Service-Oriented Architecture represents a new paradigm for development of GIS applications, allowing to share computational resources between institutions in a distributed computing environment. The implementation of these applications can be accomplished through the building of service compositions, a procedure for aggregate functionalities implemented by service components available in this environment. Many proposals for automated building of service compositions have been proposed in the literature aimed the optimized use of these services components. A line of these proposals models the problem of automated building of compositions as a planning problem in AI. However, in the GIS context, the compositions built using these proposals, in certain conditions, can produce low quality results. One reason that we identify as the cause of this low quality is related to the lack in meeting the minimum requirements for use of a geodata for a service. These quality requirements describe geodata characteristics that must be met by the geodata allowing it to be used adequately by a GIS functionality. The occurrence of nonconformances with the quality requirements are unpredictable and it depends of quality conditions of each geodata instance exchanged within a service composition. The geodata complexity and nature highlight the consequences of these nonconformances and have a major impact on the results of GIS activities. Our hypothesis is the semantic annotation of geodata based on quality requirement rules, associated with the conditional planning method models more precisely this unpredictability in the execution of the service compositions. In this work we propose how to incorporate the data quality requirements into mechanisms for automated building of compositions based on planning method in AI, to minimize the loss of data quality in the results produced by service compositions.


composição de serviços geográficos arquitetura orientada a serviços (soa) serviços web planejamento em ia geographic services composition service oriented architeture (soa) web services al planning

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