Comportamento verbalmente controlado: uma análise do efeito de operantes verbais autoclíticos sobre o comportamento de escolha / Verbally governed behavior: an analysis of the effects of autoclitic verbal operants upon choice behavior




The present study aimed to investigate the effect of verbal descriptions with or without autoclitic operants, upon the performance of adult participants in a choice task. To achieve it, a concurrent schedule design was planned, in which it was observed the preference pattern of each participant between the alternative of smaller and immediate reinforcement or large and delayed, during a computer game. Once the preference was established, verbal descriptions were introduced, and it was analyzed if the inclusion of autoclitic verbal operants would promote or not the control of the description, checked by the emission of responses contraries to the patter previously established. The results points to a major facility in the establishment of pattern of preference for larger and delayed reinforcers than smaller and immediate, when a financial reinforcer was used. Seven of the fifteen participants reverted their patter of preference with the inclusion of verbal descriptions, independently of the inicial preference pattern. On the effect produced by the inclusion of autoclitic it is noticed that independently of the type of autoclitic presented (positive qualifier X negative qualifier), descriptions accompanied by autoclitic evoked the choice responses, specially between those participants who demonstrated initial preference for large and delayed reinforcer. Once an autoclitic verbal operant was accompanying the descriptions, it was observed an increase in time for the emission of the response, which was even higher in the presence of negative qualifiers.


comunicação verbal verbal reinforcement choice behavior self-control comportamento de escolha verbal communication autocontrole reforço verbal

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