Comportamento térmico de óxidos de ferro presentes em solos da savana de Roraima




In this work was studied a soil sequence sample according to the profiles; and P_5, aiming to identify through analysis diffractogram, iron oxides, from the concentrated samples of induced magnetic soils collected on land near Amajarí, Boa Vista, Bonfim and Alto Alegre, Roraima, to provide data for future projects related to land use areas in which these profiles are located. In a first step the samples were collected in surface and subsurface horizons were defined in 0.0 to 0.10 m: 0.60 to 1.00 m and 0.80 to 1.00 I brought to the laboratory of Soil Management Center of Agricultural Sciences, where he proceeded to treatment and subsequent thinning of the sand samples total (TFSA), and the separation of the magnetic concentrate. In the second step, the treated samples were brought to the Laboratory of Magnetic Properties on the campus of Paricarana where mineralogical analysis was performed using the technique of X-ray diffraction


óxido de ferro difração de raio-x química dos solo cerrado física dos solo fisica soil physical properties soil chemical properties savanna x-ray diffraction iron oxide

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