Comportamento mecânico de agregado reciclado de resíduo sólido da construção civil em camadas de base e sub-base de pavimentos. / Mechanical behavior of recycled aggregate of construction and demolition waste in base and sub base layers of pavements.




Construction and demolition waste (CDW) is generated in significant amounts in medium and large size cities in Brazil and are usually disposed of illegally. For the thousands of kilometers of unpaved urban roads, the recycled aggregate of CDW is an alternative to conventional paving materials. This dissertation analyses the mechanical behavior of the recycled aggregate for use in base and subbase layers. This research consisted of a series of laboratory tests, followed by a case study - the pavement of the new campus of the University of Sao Paulo (USP Leste). A test track of 1,020 meters of extension was used for the study, from a total of approximately two kilometers of paved roads in the campus. The pavement studied contains recycled aggregate in its structure; four different road sections were constructed, varying the materials, thickness, compaction and subgrade. Physical and mechanical properties of the recycled aggregate were characterized through the following laboratory tests: composition, percentage of impurities, bulk density, water absorption, gradation, grain form, compaction, compaction influence, California Bearing Ratio, resilient modulus and permanent deformation. The field tests covered: materials and construction control, bearing capacity using the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer and deflection measurement using a Falling Weight Deflectometer. Based on the analysis of the deflection basins of the built road sections, the test track is divided according to four different deformation behaviors. The results show that the mechanical behavior of the recycled aggregate presents a strong dependence on the compaction effort. When submitted to proper compaction, the recycled material behaves as a crushed-stone.


pavimentação construction and demolition waste paving reciclagem de resíduos urbanos recycled aggregate infra-estrutura de transportes

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