Comportamento de vigas de madeira laminada colada, de pinus Elliotti, compostas de partes unidas por emenda denteadas




Among the great advantages of glued laminated timber (glulam) beams is the no-commercial limitations of dimensions. As a result, beams of any length can be manufactured. In order to make easier the transportation process, these beams can be formed of segments which are connected by finger joints. This work presents a study about the elastic behavior of glulam beams fabricated with PINUS ELLIOTTI. The longitudinal modulus of elasticity was measured before and after finger joints were introduced, to verify their effects. The introdution of finger joints indicates a reduction of 9 to 11% of the modulus of elasticity of the beams. The effects of high number of knots in the strength and stiffness of the beams was also analysed using an adaptation of FREAS and SELBO s method. The study indicated a reduction of 5 and 30% in the stiffness and strength respectively.


engenharia de estruturas teses. estruturas de madeira teses.

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