Comportamento da temperatura do fluido infetado no reservatorio em operações de aciclificação de matriz




Matrix Acidization is frequently used to remove formation damage from pore plugging caused by deposition of small mineral particles. The kinetics of the chemical reactions between acid and minerais is very sensitive to fluid temperature. The temperature of the acid at the injection zone depth depends on the heat transfer that occurs as the acid travels through the injection column and on the heat exchange with the reservoir rock and fluids. The volume of injected acid is usually small and the injection time is short, compared to other thermal injection operations. Two heat transfer models are proposed: one to calculate the temperature profile along the injection column and other to calculate the temperature distribution within the reservoir. The model proposed here for the heat transfer along the column incorporates heat accumulation (in the fluid and at the annulus) to the heat exchange between the wellbore and the semi-infinite surroundings. For the heat transfer in the reservoir, the modei accounts for the conductive losses to the neighboring formation, the heat generation from the chemical reactions and heat transported by the injected fluid. The eventual temperature distribution for the acid in the reservoir is obtained after coupling of the solution for the column problem and the solution for the reservoir problem. Both problems were solved by Laplace transforms and the final solution is obtained using the convolution theorem. Stehfest s algorithm is used to invert the solution to real domain. Results for typical operational parameters show that the acid temperature is very sensitive to the injection flow rate and to the fluid volumes injected during the pre-treatment. The acid temperature can be significantly lower than the reservoir temperature along the operation


engenharia de petroleo heat temperature termoquimica petroleum engineering thermochemistry oil wells temperatura calor - transmissão flowoff escoamento poços de petroleo

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