Comportamento da mordida aberta, apos a remoção do habito de sucção




The aim of this study was to check the alterations in the an tenor open bite, in children from 4 to 6 years old, after the retreatment of rubber nipple and nursing bottle suction, through awareness method and positive reinforcement. The was carried out on 20 children, from region Limeira, from 4 to 6 years old arid, both sexes, who had the habit of rubber nipples and/or nursing bottles, and presented anterior open bite, showing, or not, associated malocclusion. The morphological alterations detected by the habit retreatment were evaluated by cephalometric analysis in teleradiology lateral, which were made both in the beginning of the treatment and one month after the elimination of the habit. The cephalometric evaluation considered the variables: FMA, SNA, l.NA, Interincisal Angle, Z Angle, Compliment of Maxilla, l-NA, Overbite e AFA ...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


desarmonia oclusal habitos orais odontopediatria

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