Comportamento carga-alongamento de geotêxteis não tecidos submetidos à tração confinada




The use of geosynthetics in reinforced soil structures has shown a marked increase due to its simplicity, speed and cost-effectiveness. The choice of the geosynthetics depends on the compatibility between the mechanical properties of the geosynthetics and the characteristics of the project. The tensile force mobilisation in the reinforcement depends on its tensile stiffness. For extensible reinforcements, such as non woven geotextiles, greater deformation of the structure will be needed in order to mobilise significant tensile forces, whereas for stiff reinforcements, such as some grids and woven geotextiles, less deformations will be required to mobilise the same tensile forces. Because of that, the latter reinforcements have been preferred in reinforced soil structures. Nevertheless, reports in the literature shows that old non woven geotextile reinforced structures have performed well, with little deformation over the years because of the increases in tensile stiffness caused by the confinement of the geotextile by the surrounding soil. This dissertation aimed to verify the effects of in-soil confinement of non woven geotextiles on its load-deformation behaviour, using a test apparatus developed at the University of Brasília, varying the geotextile mass per unit area, confining stress and confining material. It was observed that the geotextile tensile stiffness is greater for heavier geotextiles, but the relative increase of stiffness is more significant for light geotextiles. The relation between tensile stiffness and confining stress was linear, with greater values of fitting coefficients for lower deformation levels. No relevant differences on the geotextile loaddeformation behaviour were observed for the use of different confining materials. Tests on geotextiles impregnated with granular materials showed that soil impregnation increases the effects of confinement, but the influence of impregnation depends on the geotextile mass per unit area and on the confining stress. The results of tests on damaged geotextile specimens showed that both the dimension and the shape of the damage affect the stiffness of the geotextile. In general, the results showed the importance of considering the effects of confinement to improve the design parameters and to increase the use of non woven geotextiles in reinforced soil structures.


impregnação (engenharia civil) danos mecânicos geotêxteis mecânica dos solos geotecnica tração confinada

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