Completeness of the care: conceptions and practices of professors of Graduation in Nursing / Integralidade do Cuidado: concepções e práticas de docentes de Graduação em Enfermagem




The completeness has guided change processes, in the formation of the nurse. So, it is important to know the initiatives in courses of Graduation in Nursing, with the focus in this principle. It is about a descriptive-exploratory study, that aims to analyze the conceptions of completeness that are present in the speeches of the professors, and the strategies used for the apprehension of completeness for the pupils. Professors from three Institutions of Higher Education (HE) existing in the State of Goiás that had integrated at least a resume, in the year of 2005 participated of this study.The collection of data was carried out in the respective institutions, between April and September of 2006, after previous appointment. Eleven professors of the feminine gender composed the study. They were at between 40 and 55 years old, with teaching experience that varies from 15 to 32 years and the majority has After- Graduation Stricto-Sensu course. The interviews and the plans of teching of the representative professors of the áreas of Sciences of the Nursing (Beddings of Nursing, Assistance of Nursing, Administration of Nursing and Education of Nursing) has been analyzed according to Bardin (2003). By means of the analysis, three conceptions of completeness had emerged: Completeness of the Care: of the singular to the global one; Completeness of the Care: the ways for the SUS and Completeness of the Care: strategies for the learning. The directions of the completeness of the care had revealed innovative, to the measure that value the singular, global and the ways for the SUS. They reveal the directions, giving the care to the human being in its social reality, with its specificities and subjectivities, considering the social nets of care and where they are inserted. They have tried to develop learn to learn and make, and learn to be and to live together as strategies for the learning, creating possibilities for the students to apprehend all the directions manifested by the professors. We waint that the results, of this research, can contribute for the reflection of the professors of the HE on the direction of the completeness of the care, in the area of education, as well as, to reorient the formation process, giving potency to the human resources and to the strategies that have already been used in the direction of the continuous construction of completeness of the care, in the health area.


educação de enfermagem, integralidade, cuidados de enfermagem, assistência integral à saúde, prática do docente de enfermagem enfermagem integralidade; cuidados de enfermagem; assistência integral à saúde; prática do docente de enfermagem education nursing, completeness, nursing care, comprehensive health care, nursing faculty practice

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