Competitividade regional e globalização. / Region competitiveness and globalization.




This thesis discusses two new Brazilian agricultural frontiers. These frontiers, where soy-bean is produced are: Balsas in Maranhão and Barreiras in Bahia. The discussion takes place around the soy-bean crop, that acts as a vector of the socio-spatial formation of new crop producing regions. The particularities of this thesis and the novelty relay on the fact that the formation of these two regions occurs in the technical-scientific period. These regions are inserted in the globalization process in a competitive way. Both regions are competitive from the point of view of the crop production, as they have had the possibility to keep up with the production and even enhance it. The markets in which the product are sold are domestic and international, with a growing performance in the technical and economical fields. These hypothesis are proved and besides that it is proposed a comparative inter-regional competitiveness system based on defined criteria, which permits define which region is more competitive.


globalização mercado internacional soja competitividade geografia humana balsas barreiras globalization brazilian agricultural frontiers competitiveness international market region competitiveness region mundialização soy bean competividade regional human geography fronteiras agrícolas brasileiras

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