Compensadores série de tensão em onda quadrada: aplicação na mitigação de afundamentos de tensão


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Series voltage compensators (SVC) have become the main solution to protect electrical loads against voltage sags in recently years. Researchers have developed new technologies that aimed the reduction of the SVC size, in terms of power and voltage, and also cost. In order to achieve this purpose, some simplifications have been made, such as the absence of series transformer, and energy storage elements. This thesis proposes two simplifications: the remove of the output filter, and the modulation change on the series voltage inverter, from PWM to square-wave. Square-wave series voltage compensator topologies are proposed. Prototypes of the square-wave SVC have been assembled. The square-wave SVC was tested protecting eletronic loads against voltage sags, demonstrating the efiectiveness of the square-wave compensation. There is a comparison between the square-wave SVC and the conventional ones, showing that the square-wave solution has a lower cost. The use of the square-wave SVC to mitigate voltage unbalance is presented


engenharia elétrica teses.

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