Compartimentação do relevo do hemigráben do Estado de Roraima




The sedimentary basin of the Tacutu is located in the state of Roraima, Brazil. It is an implanted distensive segment in the Mesozóic (upper Jurassic - lower Cretaceo). It is an half-graben incased in the Shield of the Guianas, prolongated in the northeast direction - southwestern, with about 300 km of length varying 30 the 50 width km, extending itself of the Republic of Guyana to the capital of the state de Roraima, Boa Vista. We consideration the data already concerning the area in study and diverse research to understand the evolution of the process. The approach about the geomorphological compartimentation of graben of Tacutu using techniques of the Geografic Data Sistem by means of aplicatory ArcGis 9.1 that favored the construction of a digital model of the land


relevo relief hemigráben geomorfologia half-graben geomorfologia roraima geomorphology

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