Comparison between iron availability in presence of vitamin A and beta-carotene in foods and medicines. / Comparação entre a disponibilidade de ferro na presença de vitamina A e beta-caroteno em alimentos e medicamentos.




Iron and vitamin A are essential nutrients for the development and maintenance of human body. This study aims to check the availability of iron in presence of vitamin A, in carrot, bean, bovine liver and in the medicines Arovit™ Neutrofer™ and Fer-In-Sol™, as well as in their combinations. Also it aimed to quantify the proximate composition, minerals, antinutritionals, heme and nonheme iron, retinol and beta-carotene in foods and their combinations with medicines. The amount of medicines added to foods was figured based on a previous analysis of the iron and beta-carotene food composition. The amount of iron sulfate (Fer1) and iron aminoquelate (N1), corresponds to the amount of iron found in the bean samples. Fer2 and N2 correspond to the iron concentration found in the bovine liver samples. Vitamin A was figured through carrot beta-carotene conversion. The combination of foods and medicines showed: (C), (C+A1), (C+N1), (C+N2), (C+Fer1), (C+Fer2), (C+F), (F), (F+A1), (F+Fer2), (F+N2), (F+Fi), (Fi), (Fi+A1), (Fi+Fer1), (Fi+N1) and (Fi+C). The results obtained were analyzed statistically through the Tukey test (5%), making use of the SAS System. The carrot samples showed higher moisture (88,12 %) and beta-carotene (6,42 mg/100g). The bean samples showed higher concentration of carbohydrates (10,68 %), dietetic fiber (7,47 %), being also determined the tannins (0,05 %) and phytic acid (2,71 mg/g). The bovine liver samples showed higher concentration of ash (2,13 %), crude fat (7,01 %), proteins (31,35 %), being also determined vitamin A (71285 UI/100g), heme iron (31,85 mcg/g) and iron available. Mineral concentrations were also measured. The vitamin A concentrations ranged from 2247 UI/100g (C+F) to 71285 UI/100g (Fi) and it was figured through the conversion of the retinol and beta-carotene concentration of the samples. The heme and nonheme iron amount were determined only in the liver sample, and ranged from 13,06 mcg/g (F+Fi) to 31,85 mcg/g (Fi) and from 2,45 mcg/g (Fi+C) to 9,48 mcg/g (Fi+Fer1) respectively. The "in vitro" iron dialyse was used to quantify the amount of iron available in the samples. In the liver samples, it was considered the nonheme iron plus 25 % of the heme iron part. The iron available concentration ranged from 0,12 mg/kg (F) to 8,10 mg/kg (Fi). There was no minerals influence on the iron availability. The antinutricional tannins and phytic acid had an inhibitor effect on the iron availability. Vitamin A and beta-carotene had a positive effect on the iron availability. The carrot and bovine liver showed better iron dialyze percentage than their respective medicines of similar concentration. Therefore, it was concluded that vitamin A had a positive effect on the iron availability and, being the bovine liver samples the ones which showed better iron available concentration and are feasible to consume according to the daily needs of iron.


human nutrition ferro - disponibilidade composição de alimentos food composition vitamin a medicamento - composição medicin composition nutrição humana iron availability vitamina a

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