Comparative study of botulinum toxin type A injection treatment for upper eyelid retraction with six-month follow-up in patients with thyroid eye disease in the congestive or fibrotic stage / Estudo comparativo do tratamento da retração da pálpebra superior com toxina botulínica tipo A em pacientes nas fases aguda e crônica da orbitopatia distireoidiana ao longo de 6 meses de seguimento




INTRODUCTION: The objective of this study is to compare morphometric data of the eyelid fissure and the levator muscle function after transcutaneous injection of botulinum toxin type A with six-month follow-up in patients with upper eyelid retraction from acute and chronic dysthyroid orbitopathy. METHODS: This was a prospective study that included 24 individuals with dysthyroid orbitopathy, divided into two groups, acute (n=12) and chronic (n=12). They were given a 5 UI/0,1 ml dose of botulinum toxin in the upper eyelid and examined periodically for 6 months. Clinical eyelid examination was performed and recorded using a video camera connected to a microcomputer. Mean values taken at different follow-up points were compared for the two groups. RESULTS: Most patients experienced marked improvement in upper eyelid retraction, with a mean reduction of 3.05 mm in acute group and 3.81 mm in chronic group. This reduction was significantly smaller during 1 month in acute group and during 3 months in chronic group. Reduction in levator function and in the difference between lateral and medial lid fissure measurements was observed in both groups. Measurements of the contralateral eye increased up to 2 weeks after the application. No difference was observed between the study groups with regard to the observed side effects. CONCLUSIONS: A single 5-unit botulinum toxin injection improved upper eyelid retraction, reduced levator function, and produced an adequate lid contour in patients with acute and chronic dysthyroid orbitopathy. The effect lasts longer in patients with chronic disease than in patients with acute disease.


hipertireoidismo botulinum toxin type a hyperthyroidism doença crônica toxina botulínica tipo a graves disease acute disease doença aguda chronic disease doença de graves

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