Comparative evaluation of differents models of graphical interfaces used in education of geometry, according to the concepts of usabilited. / Avaliação comparativa de diferentes modelos de interfaces gráficas empregadas no ensino de geometria, segundo os conceitos de usabilidade.




This work is about the development and application of a method for the comparative evaluation of different computer graphics interface models when used as a tool for teaching and learning Graphic Geometry by a specific user group. The motivation at the origin of this research was the need to evaluate, comparatively, the innovative interface of a drawing software called Risko, which was developed aiming at the specific needs of drawing teaching. As a distinguishing feature, this application uses a real world metaphor in its interface, presenting virtual drawing instruments: compass, triangles, pencil and eraser, which replace the abstract tools (icons and menus) intrinsic to the WIMP standard, the alternative widely used in software for teaching that subject. The proposed method uses two instruments: a practical test with users and a questionnaire. The interface tests are performed both by beginners and experienced users. The number of errors made as well as the time taken to complete pre-defined tasks are recorded. The questionnaire seeks to evaluate subjective aspects like preference for one of the interfaces and usersperception of their precision. All the results are analyzed comparing the two interfaces, statistically controlling the significance level. The evaluation of the interfaces improves the development of didactic computer tools by pointing their faults and merits. In general terms, this work establishes a method that allows the comparative evaluation of different graphics interfaces centered on the potential users needs.


ensino por computador interface interface man-computer interface education for computer interface homem-computador

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