Comparative cytogenetics of Carnegiella marthae and Carnegiella strigata (Characiformes, Gasteropelecidae) and description of a ZZ/ZW sex chromosome system


Genetics and Molecular Biology




Comparative cytogenetic analyses of hatchetfishes Carnegiella marthae and Carnegiella strigata (Gasteropelecidae) from the Rio Negro basin were performed using conventional Giemsa staining, silver (Ag) -staining and C-banding. The diploid chromosome numbers of both species equaled 2n = 50 but their karyotypes were distinct. We found evidence for sex chromosomes in C. marthae since karyotype of males presented 20 M + 12 SM + 4 ST + 14 A and ZZ ST chromosomes while the females presented 20 M + 12 SM + 4 ST + 14 A and ZW ST chromosomes of distinct size. Conversely, C. strigata presented 4 M + 4 SM + 2 ST + 40 A chromosomes without sex chromosome heteromorphism. Karyotypes of both species had two NOR-bearing SM chromosomes of distinct size indicating the presence of multiple NOR phenotypes. The sex chromosome pair had specific C-banding pattern allowing identification of both Z and W. This heteromorphic system has previously been described for the gasteropelecids.

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