Comparative analysis of dentin apical extrusion through different manual and rotary instrumentation root canal technique / Análise comparativa in vitroda extrusão apical de dentina produzida por diferentes técnicas de instrumentação manuais e rotatórias nos canais radiculares




Patients general health is fundamental during endodontic therapy. Thus, we must minimize the harmful instrumentation effects in the periapical tissues. The aim of this study was to compare the amount of solid material extruded beyond the apical foramen among 2 manual instrumentation techniques: Step-Back and the Oregons technique, as well as 3 mechanorotary techniques preconized by the manufacturers of the following instruments: ProTaper, K3 Endo, and FKG RaCeTM Systems. Seventy-five unirradicular teeth were used, being 15 teeth in each technique. The solid material extruded was collected with a paper filter (Whatman). Afterward, the filters were dry in the oven and weighted in an analytical balance. The extruded material was considered as the difference between final and initial mass values. Data analysis showed extrusion for all instrumentation techniques; however, the Step-back technique provided greater values than the other techniques, and no differences were seen among the Oregon and the rotary techniques. Progressive classification for the extruded material was the following: K3 Endo, ProTaper, FKGRaCe, Oregon, and The Step-back technique.


apical extrusion endodontia técnicas manuais técnicas rotatórias endodontics manual technique extrusão apical rotary technique

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