Comparação entre a contagem de células somáticas obtidas de secreção láctea de vacas com mastite sub-clínica, antes e depois de tratamento homeopático / Comparison between somatic cell counts in milk samples from bovine cows with sub-clinical mastitis, before and after homeopathic treatment




Mammary gland inflammatory process has been particularly frequent and important in dairy cattle and gives a lot of damage. Infectious mastitis is the most important injury either by economic or public health points of view. Identify the aggressor microorganism and somatic cells count (SCC) in milk are important tools to avail the sanitary conditions of the herd and how victim react against the aggressor. In clinical mastitis, the signs of the injury and resulting reaction of the organism who suffer the injury are evident, clear, so are seem signs and symptoms of inflammation. Otherwise, in sub-clinical mastitis, signs and symptoms of inflammations are not seen, and to realize it there are technical methods. In this case, the option was use as sub-clinical mastitis indicator the Tamis test (black ground cup) and the CMT (California Mastitis Test). Then, was chosen 22 cows that obtained score 2+ and 3+ on CMT test of each teat, between third and sixth months milking and second and fifth birth. They were separated into two groups. Homeopathy is a kind of therapy that has been recently used in animals with such satisfactory results. The conventional drugs have restricted use on organic production and in same cases are forbidden. In the start of this investigation, before the homeopathic treatment, was collected, from the each teat that had sub-clinical mastitis (CMT 2+ and 3+), two milk samples. One of then was sent to somatic cells count (SCC) and another to the microbiological laboratory to identify the microorganism. Milk production from each cow, were under control all time. Since this point the group called Test-homeopathy received the homeopathic medication Phytolacca decandra 6 ch, 15 pills twice a day, and the group called Control, received placebo, 15 pills twice a day, for both groups. At the end of 15 days of treatment, a new double collect of milk samples from each same teats were done. The samples were sent again to the microbiological laboratory to identify the microorganism implicated and to somatic cells counter (SCC) laboratory. The weight of milk production of each cow was controlled before and after treatment of each cow from both groups. At the end of research, there were no significant rates between somatic cells counts (SCC) of the milk when compared before and after homeopathic treatment, as well as when compared among both groups. But, it was observed that milk production of cows which received homeopathic treatment had an increase statistically significant (P<0,05) on 2,5 kg of milk/ day in media, and the group which received placebo there were no significant rates in milk productions in the same time.


mastite animal milk homeopathy leite mamite animal mastitis mastitis bovinos bovines homeopatia

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