Como ocorre a materialização discursiva da identidade gaúcha nas charges; um estudo discursivo sobre a determinação histórica dos processos semânticos nos jornais Correiro do Povo e Zero Hora




This study has as objective to identify how is happens the discursive materialization of gaucho identity in the cartoons, having as theoretical-methodological reference the discourse analysis, which methodological procedures are the following ones: 1) # analyze each single cartoon; 2) # arrange the cartoons in discursive formations; 3) # relate the discursive formations with the ideological ones and 4) # detect other regularities which are not detected, described or interpreted.This work#s corpus is all the published cartoons by the Correio do Povo and Zero Hora newspaper, in the comprised period between 1990 and 2006, in September 20 and 21. It was used as theoretical team authors as Michel Pêcheux, Eni Orlandi, Louis Althusser, Michel Foucaut, Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud.It is interesting to point out that exists a moment in which the unique political identity gaucho is not the dominant discourse during the analyzed period of time. In 2003, appears a discourse as answers to a couple change of the political-ideological organization, in the state plan and in federal plan. Them, in 2006, it emerges a discourse to form the Zero Hora readers#opinion against president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva reelection.As conclusions, we affirmed that the hypothesis was fully confirmed; the occurrence of self-criticism on the gauchos#part, as much in the creation#s interpretation as in reading, it determines the cartoon as being a joke. They are joke cartoons created by gauchos and directed against their characteristics. We affirmed that exists a relation between, on the one hand, the repression and return of the pressed as symmetrical and inverse operations; and on the other hand, ascension to the estate and federal governments, respectively of Rio Grande do Sul and Brazil, sometimes of a political and ideological organization that defends the largest possible action#s freedom to the private initiative; sometimes of a political and ideological organization that defends the State participation to regulate and limit the private initiative action.


analise do discurso identidade engenharia de producao gauchos caricaturas e desenhos humorísticos

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