Commensurability and stability in nonperiodic systems


National Academy of Sciences


We have investigated the response of 3D Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 vortex structures to a weak perturbation induced by 2D Fe pinning structures acting on one extremity of vortex lines. The pinning patterns were nano-engineered at the sample surface by means of either a Bitter decoration of the vortex lattice or electron-beam lithography. The commensurability conditions between 2D rigid pinning potentials and 3D elastic structures with short-range positional and long-range orientational correlation have been experimentally determined. When the 2D potential is a replica of the nonperiodic vortex structure an amplification of its interaction with the vortex structure takes place. This effect is detected only for the first matching field, becoming negligible for other matching fields. On the other hand, a periodic 2D perturbation is shown to transform the nonperiodic Bragg glass-like structure into an Abrikosov crystal with an effective Debye–Waller factor.

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