Command part structuration of manufacturing automation system with emphasis in supervisory system / Estruturação da parte de comando de um sistema automatizado de produção com enfase na implementação de um sistema de supervisão




This work presents a study of automation relative to process planning, monitoring of machines and equipment, material flux, supervision of the system and communication network. In this work are developed programs to monitoring machines and equipments. Algorithms and solutions to the use of interfaces are presented and implemented, utilizing a microcomputer as basic hardware and Visual Basic as the programmation language. Examples of automated systems are presented. They are developed and implemented in the automation laboratory "Laboratório de Automação Integrada e Robótica", where comparative tests of programming in Ladder Diagram and Grafcet are made. Based on the hierarchy of planning of the CIM:systems, it is implemented a supervisory system to the experimental ambient PIPEFA (Industrial Platform to the Research, Education and Formation in Automation), that simulates a integrated system of production. Utilized by networks and interfaces af communication, the supervisory system integrates different levels of the CIM pyramid, making a communication of the administrative leveI with the productian ane, by Internet


controladores programaveis programmable controllers manufacturing automation protocol automação industrial - protocolos controle de produção production control

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