Com lei ou sem lei : as expulsões de estrangeiros e o conflito entre o Executivo e o Judiciario na Primeira Republica / With law or withouth law : the expulsions of foreigners and the conflict between the Executive and the Judiciary in the First Republic




This dissertation studies the legislation s construction of foreigner s expulsion over the period of the First Brazilian Republic (1889-1930). In this way, the laws of 1907, 1913 and 1921, as well as the Federal Constitution of 1891 and its Reforms in 1926, were interpreted in this research with the purpose to analyzing the effects that this legislation in the foreigner lives. This dissertation intends, over all, to follow the conflict with the Executive and Judiciary federals in relation to the expulsion, demonstrating that this legislations, elaborated to contain the immigrant s actions, many times had been used by them as a defense. Thus, the present study seeks to establish the relations among law, politics and workers


justice foreigners foreigners estrangeiros justiça estrangeiros - expulsão brazil

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