Collaborative problem based - ACBP : conceptual model and tolls / Aprendizagem colaborativa baseada em problemas - ACBP : modelo conceitual e ferramentas




This research presents the model entitled Collaborative Problem Based Learning (ACBP), which was conceived through the compilation and analyses of structural and functional characteristics of Problem Based Learning and Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. The model s basis is composed of the discussions and reflection of a small student group as they interact through various proposed activities which at the same time are describing the search and analyses process of information while solving problems. The activities are grouped into five iterative stages not necessarily following a sequence. The model has five stages. In the First stage the proposed problem and the planning process are described, containing the scheduled activities for the professor or advisor. The Second stage deals with the analyses and clarification process, inspired by methods and Organizational Semiotic artifacts for supporting the creation, discussion and validation of ideas, and their solutions in the problem discussion and interpretation. In the Third stage the proposal and development of solutions are described. In the Fourth stage the process synthesis is described which integrates the created documents during the report creation. The Fifth stage deals with the socialization process, when each group presents its proposals. The proposed model was developed and integrated into an open source Learning Management System, through the personalization of some available tools and the development of some others required for this model, giving origin to the ACBP-Sakai environment. During the research, the ACBP-Sakai environment was tested allowing preliminary results of its use within the context of real problem clarification and discussion showing its potential as a tool for E-Learning


solução de problemas ensino auxiliado por computador semiotica ensino a distância distance education computer-assisted learning semeiotics problem solving

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