COLETA SELETIVA DE RESÍDUOS SÓLIDOS URBANOS: um estudo da gestão dos programas de Florianópolis/SC, Belo Horizonte/MG e Londrina/PR / SELECTIVE COLLECT OF URBAN SOLID RESIDUES: a study of the administration of Florianópolis/SC, Belo Horizonte/MG and Londrina/PR programs




Due the growth of the cities, the amount of solid waste produced is assuming alarming proportions, requiring urgent solutions on the part of municipal districts. The appropriate management of the recyclable solid waste is part of the solution for the problems related the collection and final disposal of solid waste This involves various agents, such as waste collectors, who collect this recyclable material in the urban environment. Countless local councils are adopting models of selective collection, with the participation of garbage collectors` associations and cooperatives. The general objective of the present work was to analyze and compare the selective solid waste collection programs adopted by the cities of Florianópolis, Belo Horizonte and Londrina, which all have very advanced programs in this area. The specific objectives were: a) to define categories for comparative analysis among the programs studied; b) to compare the programs studied, based in the analytical categories; c) to investigate the differences and similarities in the management of the programs studied. The research methodology is classified as qualitative and descriptive, using the strategy of multiple case study. In relation to the recognition of the work carried out by the waste collectors, it was observed, through the three programs analyzed, that these workers are gaining recognition by the population and the local Public Authorities, as well as social inclusion in the municipal districts. As for the form of work organization, in Florianopolis and Belo Horizonte, the garbage collectors are organized in associations, whereas in Londrina, they work in the form of a cooperative. A similarity between these programs is that they are all supported by the Public Authorities. It was observed that in general, the garbage collectors still have low and little training for the work carried out.


programas de coleta garbage collectors coleta de lixo - administração selective garbage collection solid waste collection garbage programs resíduos sólidos administracao catadores coleta seletiva

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