Coefficient modules in algebras / Módulos coeficientes em álgebras




In 1991, Kishor Shah defined and studied coeficient ideals I ind {k}. , for integers k = 0, . . . , d, associated to an ideal m-primary I of a Noetherian local ring of dimension, (R,m). This ideals, I ind {k}. , are the biggest ideals of R that contains the ideal I such that the first k+1 Hilbert-Samuel coefficients of I and I IND. {k}are igual. The main result of Kishor Shahs work is to prove the struture theorem of such ideals. In his P.h.D thesis, Jung-Chen Liu generalized some aspects of Kishor Shahs work in the case of R-submodules E of R POT. p, defining the coefficients submodules E IND. {k}, for integers k = 0, . . . , d+p1. But Jung-Chen Liu didnt prove the struture theorem for such coefficients modules. In this work, we extended the works of Kishor Shah and of Jung-Chen Liu for R-submodules E ARE THIS CONTAINEDF of R POT. p, where ell IND. R (F ON E)


multiplicidade de buchsbaum-rim buchsbaum-rim multipliity módulo de ratliff-rush buchsbaum-rim polynomial módulos coeficientes buchsbaum-rim multiplicity polinômio de buchsbaum-rim ratliff-rush module and coefficient modules

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