Codificadores homomorfos sobre grupos




: In the work we consider homomorphic convolutional encoders over groups, with finites states, by using the concepts from estension of groups. Following [2] we call such a group estension Scherier product. In the way, we call the homomorphic convolutional encoders over groups Schreier encoders, and the convolutional codes produced by these machines as Schreier codes. The Schreier codes are time-invariant and they have a finite group of states. Therefore, they are a special subclass of the generalized group codes over groups. However, the class of Screier codes is large enough tocontain all know, linear and time-invariant codes. On the other hand the class of Euclidean codes matched to Schreier codes contain the geometrically uniform codes [3], with finite cardinality of states. By studin he Schreier products we recognize four different types of products of groups including a new product called cyclic product. Its importance is related to the decomposition of cyclic groups of the form ?Z IND. pm? Using the fact that a given group can be decomposed into one of these four distinct products, we derive a multilevel contruction of signal space codes via the direct product. Also, we show that the Echreier codes, which can not bo applied to the group codes. Finally, as an application of thes results, we propose two algorithms for the construction of minimal, complete and controllable Schreier codes


codigos de controle de erros (teoria da informação) sistemas de transmissão de dados teoria da informação modulação digital teoria da codificação

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