Cobertura celular : estatisticas de longo prazo e avaliação de metodos de predição




This work aimed the presentation, analysis and validation of methods for computing path loss of radio signals within the frequency range used by cellular mobile radio systems. The methods herein presented are characterized by taking into account as the main contributor for path loss, the propagation loss due to multiple diffraction as modeled in the work of Vogler, Walfisch, Bertoni, Xia and Maciel.To validate the presented methods, some field measurements, conducted in cooperation with a local cellular service provider in various regions of the city of Campinas were used. Such procedure, not only allowed the behavior analysis of each method in different situations but also the evaluation of some important statistical parameters that help to describe the mobile radio environment in the city of Campinas


telefonia celular sistemas de comunicação movel otica geometrica ondas de radio - programação

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