Clostridium perfringens: I. Sporulation in a Biphasic Glucose-Ion-Exchange Resin Medium


A biphasic culture medium suitable for cultivation and sporulation of Clostridium perfringens, C. botulinum, and C. sporogenes was devised. The medium designed for use in a disposable, compartmented, plastic film container contained peptones, yeast extract, minerals, an anion exchange resin, and glucose in 4% agar as the solid phase and (NH4)2SO4 and 0.1% agar as the liquid phase. With the biphasic system, it was not necessary to use active cultures as inocula. Growth was at least equal to that obtained in conventional media, and spore production of 9 out of 12 strains of C. perfringens equalled or usually exceeded that of conventional media.

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