Clonagem do cDNA que codifica a enzima UDP-glicose pirofosforilase de batata (Solanum tuberosum L.). / Cloning of cdna encoding potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) udp-glucose pyrophosphorylase.




Biotechnology is revolutionazing human activity in several fields. In forestry, new technologies like transgenies, genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics have been quickly consolidated. Assossiating these technologies with conventional forestry breeding will accelerate the process of obtaining new trees with specific wood properties for the paper and pulp industry. UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (UGPase, EC is a key enzyme producing UDP-glucose, an important intermediate in carbohydrate interconversion involved in various metabolic processes like sucrose and cellulose synthesis. In this work, it was cloned the cDNA that encodes UGPase. This cDNA was synthetized through RT-PCR using RNA extracted from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber. The UGPase primers were designed based on the conserved sequences of hortologous genes, already available in public data banks. The cDNA was cloned into pENTR-D TOPO vector and introduced into Escherichia coli competent cells, by chemically transforming. The plasmid DNA was purified and the insert PCR amplified. The presence of 1402 bp insert was confirmed after sequencing. The alignment of the derived amino acids sequence with other UGPases revealed high homology to UGPases from potato and other plant species. Along the cDNA sequence N-glicolisation sites, Lysyl residues and conserved domain were identified, which probably are involved in substrate binding capacity, as well as catalytic ativity of the enzyme. Southern blot analysis was carried to confirm the presence of this gene in potato and eucalypt (Eucalyptus grandis) genomic DNA. The cloned cDNA will be used to evaluate the impact of overexpression on celullose and hemicelluloses biosynthesis and in the tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and eucalypt plant development.


biotecnologia de plantas batata cellulose cloning polissacarides celulose dna complementar bioquímica enzimas enzyme plant biotechnology polissacarídeos potato biochemistry clonagem complementar dna

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