Cloister:Shelter of time and memory / Claustro:abrigo de tempo e memória.




This dissertation entitled Cloister: Shelter of Time and Memory, addresses an inner path, an intimist identity permeated by Time and Memory. It reveals a contemporary expression-and-relationship attitude towards space and towards art as a simultaneous form of transformation and identification. In this creative process,materialized in paintings and objects as contemporary languages, the impermanence and brevity of life are questioned. HASTEN SLOWLY! Time used as matter; the patina that remains as memory on the surface of the objects spurring imagination is preserved and revered as sign of alertness and nobility. In the making of the works, iron features at times as substance, at times as support, enhancing its mysterious and provocative nature, inspiring reflections on the passage of time. The methodology adopted was that of poetics, which has revealed itself not only as capable of sustaining and defining the theoretical structure, but also of allowing the development of concepts necessary to creative processes and to the establishment of the body of works of this investigation.


memória pintura ferro object tempo finitude artes plasticas objeto finitude. memory time painting impermanence impermanência iron

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