Clinicopathological features and DNA ploidy analysis of tongue squamous cell carcinoma in young patients : a collaborative international study / Analise das caracteristicas clinico-patologicas e da ploidia do DNA em pacientes jovens com carcinoma espinocelular de lingua : um estudo colaborativo internacional




Oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) predominately affects elderly patients and frequently develops in association with tobacco and alcohol consumption. However, an increasing of this malignant disease has been observed in patients younger than 40 years of age, who are not exposed to the traditional risk factors. Data regarding oral cancer in young patients are scarce and controversial, making the determination of the pathogenesis, biological behaviour and prognosis of these tumours difficult. As a consequence, treatment has been mainly based on the professional experience of each medical centre. The aims of this work were to study demographic features, risk factors and clinical aspects at the moment of diagnosis as well as the biologic profile of patients of less than 40 years of age with tongue SCC. A multi-centre retrospective analysis was performed to investigate gender, race, tobacco consumption and alcohol intake, size of the tumour, regional and distant metastasis, histological differentiation and DNA ploidy of tumours through image cytometry. Tumours in young patients were frequently detected in females and nonsmoking and non-drinking patients while older patients were predominantly smoking and drinking males. In addition, tongue SCC in young patients did not differ in size, regional and distant metastasis or tumour grade of differentiation when compared to those in older patients. This study highlighted that tumours from young patients presented higher incidences of aneuploidy, tetraploidy and other parameters related to DNA ploidy abnormalities. In conclusion, young patients with tongue SCC presented a distinct clinical and biological profile, favouring the hypothesis that young patients with oral SCC may have an increased genomic instability and indicating the possibility of underlying genetic differences between TSCC in young and older patients


aneuploidia instabilidade genomica genomic instability boca - câncer mouth cancer aneuploidy

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