Clinical efficacy and safety of cefmenoxime in children.


Cefmenoxime, an investigational semisynthetic cephalosporin, was evaluated in 18 pediatric patients with a variety of infections. There were seven patients with urinary tract infections, two with wound infections, two with osteomyelitis, two with abscess infections, one with cervical adenitis, one with hidradenitis, one with pneumonia and sepsis, one with periorbital cellulitis, and one with ventriculitis. A total of 16 (88%) patients had a satisfactory clinical response demonstrated by improvement in clinical signs and symptoms. A total of 12 (67%) patients demonstrated eradication of their infecting organisms. Of the pathogens isolated in these patients, 16 isolates were susceptible to cefmenoxime. One patient developed a generalized urticarial rash that resolved within 24 h after cessation of cefmenoxime therapy. Mean peak level in serum after intravenous infusion was 55 micrograms/ml.

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