Clinical and Radiological Evaluation of Patients Undergoing Distal Radio Osteosynthesis with Locking Plate-Retrospective Study


Rev. bras. ortop.




Resumo Objetivo O objetivo do presente trabalho foi realizar um estudo retrospectivo, com base no arquivo médico dos prontuários e das radiografias dos pacientes, avaliando seus dados socioeconômicos, assim como clinicamente e radiograficamente, os pacientes submetidos a osteossíntese de rádio distal com placas bloqueadas. Métodos Avaliou-se clinicamente e radiologicamente o pós-operatório, no Serviço da clínica de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do nosso hospital, entre os anos de 2016 e 2017. Resultados Na avaliação radiográfica, foram encontrados 22 (75,86%) resultados excelentes, 6 (20,69%) bons e 1 (3,45%) regular. Na avaliação clínica, o desvio ulnar obtevemédia de 28,40, desvio padrão (DP) de 3,0 e coeficiente de variação de 10,56%. O desvio radial obteve média de 22,93, DP de 2,2 e coeficiente de variação de 9,59%. A amplitude demovimento emflexão obteve média de 59,43, DP de 9,86 e coeficiente de variação de 16,59%. Já a extensão obteve média de 53,83, DP de 5,09 e coeficiente de variação de 9,46%. Conclusão Concluímos que há correlação estatística entre os dados clínicos e radiográficos, e que a placa bloqueada é um método de tratamento com alto índice de sucesso no procedimento cirúrgico das fraturas de rádio distal.Abstract Objective The objective of the present work was to perform a retrospective study based on the medical files and radiographs of the patients, as well as on the socioeconomic data of the patients submitted to distal radio osteosynthesis with locking plates, evaluating them clinically and radiographically. Methods The postoperative period was evaluated clinically and radiologically in the orthopedics and traumatology clinic service of our hospital between 2016 and 2017. Results In the radiographic evaluation, we found 22 (75.86%) excellent results, 6 (20.69%) good results, and 1 (3.45%) regular result. In the clinical evaluation, the ulnar deviation obtained a mean of 28.40, a standard deviation (SD) of 3.0 and a coefficient of variation of 10.56%. The radial deviations averaged 22.93, with a SD of 2.2 and a coefficient of variation of 9.59%. The range of motion in flexion obtained a mean of 59.43, a SD of 9.86 and a coefficient of variation of 16.59%. The extension obtained a mean of 53.83, a SD of 5.09 and a coefficient of variation of 9.46%. Conclusion We have concluded that there is statistical correlation between clinical and radiographic data, and that the locking plate is a treatment method with a high success rate in the surgical procedure of distal radius fractures.

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