Cleaning treatment effects on self-etching adhesive bonding strength to unground dental enamel after salivary contact / "Efeito de tratamentos de limpeza na resistência adesiva de sistemas autocondicionantes ao esmalte dental íntegro e em contato com saliva humana"




This study evaluated the effect of different cleaning techniques in the adhesive bond strength of self-etching bonding systems to unground enamel after being in contact with human saliva. Ninety enamel fragments were obtained from dental crowns (n = 10) and the enamel surface of each fragment were kept in contact with fresh human saliva for 1 hour. Next, they received the cleaning treatment according to the group as follows: pumice and water paste followed by anionic detergent - Tergensol (PP), sodium bicarbonate jet (B), or air/water spray (control group - C). After cleaning procedures, one of the bonding systems was applied: Clearfil SE Bond (CF), Adper Prompt (AD), or Scothbond Multi-Purpose (SB), and a Z250 composite resin bloc with 4 or 5 mm was built above the dental adhesive. After 24 hours of storage, the specimens were sectioned to obtain sticks with cross sectional areas of approximately 1 mm². The sticks were submitted to microtensile test in an Instron testing machine. Statistical analysis of the results, considering each stick as a sample unit and the fracture kinds presented, showed no statistical significant difference in mean shear bond strength among the bonding systems used. Regarding to the cleaning techniques, shear bond strength values were superior for PP and there was no significant statistical difference between B and C. The interface enamel/dentin SEM analysis corroborated the statistical results I was concluded that PP method is appropriate for cleaning unground enamel surface after salivary contact, improving bond strength of all etch and self etch adhesive systems, and that cleaning with sodium bicarbonate jet may affect the bonding strength of these surfaces.


adhesive systems limpeza de cavidades esmalte enamel sistemas adesivos cavity cleaning

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