Cláusulas contratuais gerais, cláusulas abusivas e o código civil de 2002




The present work focuses the study and separate systematization of the general contractual clauses in the field of private law, providing subsidies for a greater understanding and better application of the contracts in which they are included. From the civil-constitutional point of view, and according to the recent theory of contracts, it will search to place the start and the usefulness of the general contractual clauses inside a historical context. Afterwards, the specific characteristics of the general contractual clauses, their differences with similar principles, and the demonstration of its legal nature, which will legitimate the conclusions on the limits and particularities of its control and interpretation, will be presented. Despite there is no specific regulation in our country, the general contractual clauses have been the subject of special laws in several countries. Starting from foreign experiences, ways for controlling the general contractual clauses considered as abusive will be presented, comparing the methods for administrative, judicial and legislative repression existing in our country, especially in the Civil Code. For a better understanding of the phenomenon, its independent and prior existence as regards the adhesion contracts which will be formed, a study on the contractual formation and the process of including the general contractual clauses in individual contracts will be performed, indicating further the mechanisms for protection existing in favor of the adherent in this stage. Finally, after retaking the premises of the study, subsidies for interpretation of the general contractual clauses which, for its general, abstract and rigid character, impose solutions transcending the individual interests of the directly affected parties, and deserving therefore a typical, peculiar interpretation shall be given, data which shall serve as basis for understanding and applying articles 423 and 424 of the Civil Code


cláusulas contratuais clausulas (direito) contractual clauses brasil -- [codigo civil (2002)] contratos -- brasil direito

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