Classificação regencial dos verbos nocionais em dicionários de lingua portuguesa




This dissertation suggests a reflection about the criteria which guided the several syntax classifications of the notional verbs found in the Portuguese language dictionaries. The Valency Grammar, which has the verb as the main structure of the clause and focus its attention on two different analysis (syntax and semantics), supplies the necessary theoretical apparatus for the study, specially those regarding the syntax aspect. From the comparison of the verb structure patterns supplied by the dictionaries, a variety of nomenclatures and criterias which are used by the authors can be noticed. Many of them, maybe influenced by the Brazilian Grammar Nomenclature, differ the verbal complement from the circumstantial complement, for instance, mainly based on the categorical function of those terms (nouns or adverbs), needless to say that there are parts of the clause with adverbial categorical function, as it exists extranuclear terms having a noun categorical function. To differ complements and adjuncts, the aplication of a reformulation by a coordinated pro-verb test is advisable. On the other hand, to differ the several kinds of verbal complements, the categorical function of the phrase selected by the verb and the (im)possibility of its substitution by the correspondent pronoun should be taken as basic criteria. Once the kinds of verbal complements that exist in the Portuguese language are defined, then, it is possible to set a classifying grid for the nocional verbs, taking into consideration that the syntax structure of each verb can vary considerably from one language to the other, or even within the same language, the classification should reflect the way the clauses can be effectively built in the language.


linguistica classificação regency verbos nocionais classification notional verbs dictionaries dicionários regência

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