City and west Sao Paulo state territory: mobility and modernity in the process of urban construction and re-configuration / Cidade e território do oeste paulista: mobilidade e modernidade nos processos de construção e re-configuração do urbano




This study focus on the processes of construction and re-configuration of the west São Paulo State territory and city, geographically and historically defined as the portion of São Paulo State practically uninhabited until 1900. It establishes two significant periods for understanding the urbanization process along the XX century, linking the physical configuration to the moments of rupture in the manner of thinking the city and the territory, in a conceptual option which articulates the terms process and design. First, the construction of the territory and the cities net, descending from an economic rationalization process of the productive territory, along with the mobility nets (railways) and the land market, reflected its design strategy upon the city organization, where European urban models were superposed by urban engineers. In another occasion, the territory reconfiguration met motivation in national integration, planning ideology, and the region industrialization progress, which promoted the highway system installation, the state urban growth, and the remodeling of the shape and landscape, along with urban planning. The observation of the object facing contemporaneous issues suggests an urban panel resulting from the unfolding of the two periods superposed on the new territoriality and on new ways of urbanization in the information technology, communication and advanced capitalism age.


west of sao paulo state cidade e território processos de urbanização planejamento territorial urbano city and territory territorial urban planning urbanization process oeste paulista

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