Círio de Nazaré: a festa da fé e suas (re)significações culturais - 1970-2008




This thesis has as its object of study the Feast of Nazaré, which happens for more than two hundred years in the city of Belém do Grão Pará. The landmark of reference in the construction of this research is the seventies of the twentieth century, when the festivity procession starts to suffer a series of modifications, happened, mainly, from the process of growth and urbanization of the spaces of the city that shelters it. Its organizational structure is composed of three parts. The first one, containing two chapters, intends to argue the Feast of Nazaré in its movement of transformation and its relation with the space of the city. Also it looks for to show as new cultural logics will be adding to the Feast and how these logics dialogue with each other and with own Feast. The second part, divided in three chapters, approaches the tensions and reinventions of and in the Feast, materialized in the dialogue that different sectors keep with "traditional" signs of the Círio, as the rope, the mantle and the lunch. The third part, also with three chapters, evidences the relation that the Feast of Nazaré leads with its profane spaces: the Feast of the Chiquita, the Popular Theater of the Círio and the Camp Feast of Nazaré, unveiling the political struggle from the confluence of power struggles by various social sectors that, in contemporary times, battle it out for their domains. All body text of the thesis finds support in the sources consulted and the reading and interpretation of the investigated phenomena are subsidized on the ideas of contemporary theorists of Social History, as Bakhtin (1996), Bhabha (2007), Canclini (2006), Hall (2006), Hobsbawm (1995) and Martin-Barbero (2006)


historia festa de nazaré círio de nazaré belém do grão pará esteticização da fé luta cultura feast of nazaré aestheticizing of faith cultural fight

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