Circulation on the Inner and Mild Continental Shelf of the State of São Paulo during summer: numeric studies / Circulação na Plataforma Continental Interna e Média do Estado de São Paulo durante o verão: estudos numéricos


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The aim of this study was simulate the hydrodynamic of the Inner Continental Shelf of the State of São Paulo (PCISP) and of the Mid Continental Shelf of the State of São Paulo (PCMSP) during summer, in response to the density gradient forcing, to the climatological wind shear stress forcing and to the tide forcing, applying the tridimensional hydrodynamic numeric model Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS). The experiments performed showed the effects of the density distribution over the general circulation behavior in the PCISP and PCMSP are secondary compared with the induced climatological wind shear stress circulation. The results indicate that in the PCISP and in the PCMSP the component velocity parallel to the coast is dominated by subinertial frequencies forcing, as the climatological wind and the density gradient, while the component velocity perpendicular to the coast is strongly influenced by the tide forcing.


continental shelf density gradient gradiente de densidade hidrodinâmica hidrodynamic maré modelagem numérica numeric modeling plataforma continental sâo paulo são paulo summer tide vento verão wind

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