Circuitos turísticos mineiros: descentralização, autonomia e gestão em relação ao turismo com base local (finais dos anos 90 - tempo presente)




This paper has the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais as a field observation and the current public policies in the Touristic Circuits of the state are the object of the research. The objective was to observe best practices at the federal, state and municipal levels, with the understanding that the research would indicate gaps between the discourses run / representations that underlie them and the real practice in the management of tourism. The empirical basis was a collection of documents, including written texts, interviews and pictures. The period of time researched is the latest 1990s until the current year. The interdisciplinary studies suggested the theoretical and methodological conducts in which tourism, as a socio-cultural, political and economic phenomenon, tie up with categories and concepts such as management, independence, discourse / practices / representations and dimensions of the power related to them.


gestão turismo management power relations decentralization políticas públicas touristic circuits of the state relações de poder circuitos turísticos mineiros descentralização public policies

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