Ciencia, tecnologia e desenvolvimento na economia da castanha-do-brasil




This analysis intends to demonstrate how the development models are related to agricultural expansion and to regional economic policies, as well as to show their main effects on the demographic, economic and environmental occupation of the Amazonian region. For the understanding of their dynamics in the regional context, assessment the will be made of socioeconomic processes that culminated in the formation of the Extractive Reserve Conservation Units, particularly that of the Iratapuru River region (RDS-I), and, within it, in the conception of a new productive pattern relating cooperative management and technological innovation in the standardization and diversification of end-products, with the communitarian forest governance methods developed by the mixed Cooperative Union of the Iratapuru River Producers and Extractives (COMARU). It focuses on the obstacles to the incorporation of a greater added value, and thus to the enlargement of both the internal and export markets, together with their impacts on the environment. By means of a brief macro-regional analysis relative to production, processing and markets, it shows the possibilities and limitations in the States of Amazonas, Pará and Acre. Turning to the south part of the state of Amapá, the analysis points to the main public policies implemented within the Brazil-nut development program, by which institutional measures were taken for the integration of social, economic and environmental guidelines, appropriate to the sustainability of extrativism in the area. With regard to the COMARU project, the dissertation stresses the role of scientific research and the incorporation of new technologies in the processing of the nuts, emphasizing that these new practices are guided by the economic use of biodiversity and by commercial neoextrativism. Finally, it examines briefly the economic factors involved in the processing of biological Brazil-nut oil, acquired by the Brazilian cosmetics firm NATURA.


tecnologia castanha-do-brasil desenvolvimento sustentavel meio ambiente

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