Ciência, política e institucionalização na cooperação multilateral contra o aquecimento global




This essay aims to analyze the relation between science and politics during the process of institutionalization in the issue-area of climate change. Recalling the premises of the neoliberal-institutionalist school of International Relations, the multilateral cooperation is reinterpreted considering its structure, political process and institutionalization process. The analysis then turn to the relation between the construction of reliable scientific information and the production of legitimate political decisions inside IPCC and SBSTA fora, entitled co-production. It is concluded that there is a direct relation between the process of institutionalization and the logic of co-production in the multilateral cooperation on climate change.


ipcc relações internacionais institutionalism relacoes i?internacionais, bilaterais e multilaterais cooperação internacional mudanças climáticas international relations climate change international environmental politics theory of international relations sbsta. global warming

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