Ciencia, estetica, e mistica : modelos na psicologia analitica / Science, aesthetics and mystic : models in the analytical psychology




This Thesis intends to analyze the junguian psychology under the optics of the Bion s epistemological models. It is possible to identify in the junguian psychology the development of at least three epistemological models similar to the bionian models: scientific model, aesthetic-artistic model and mystic-religious model. The approximation between the bionian models and the junguian models can be accomplished through the analysis of the junguian perspectivism and of their consequences in relation to a scientific approach of generalizing and leveling character. In the origin of the construction of several models it would be, in both, the inaccessible and unknown character of the unconscious, bearer of a meaning excess that would exceed the several forms of approaching it


science junguian psychology mystic arte art mistica ciencia psicologia junguiana

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