Ciência de Almanaque : como as imagens de Eu Sei Tudo construiram uma guerra / Almanac Science : how the images of Eu Sei Tudo magazine produced a war


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Well before starting the war, another one was built inside imagination of Brazilian readers. The not yet started war was the Second World War and the built one was a world war with its own contours generated due to effects of pictures and picture-text sets published during 1939 year at "Eu Sei Tudo" almanac, from Rio de Janeiro. Pictures, illustrations, texts and a set of these elements distributed on pages of that publication provided interpretations, sensations, fantasies and played unique games of significations which go beyond formal logic and bring new visions and form new subjects. Reimagining these realities and analyzing possible effects of the magazine stories were the base of this work and helped to guide it. Approaching the power and potentiality of a picture and diving into the sea of its significations made part of adopted methodology


divulgação científica fotografia cultura guerra mundial scientific diffusion photograph culture second world war

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