Ciência da Informação, interdisciplinaridade e transdisciplinaridade: uma análise do contexto brasileiro com foco no ENANCIB


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation presents an exploratory study on the theoretical constructions related to interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity in Information Science which were developed in the Brazilian context. The aim of the approach was to contribute to discussions about the epistemology of this area. It focuses on the documental universe of 689 articles presented in workgroups at five editions of the Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da informação (ENANCIB) from 2003 to 2008. The theoretical framework draws on theorizations about interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity from scholarly debate in general and on discussions about those subjects from Information Science literature, reflecting both international and Brazilian contexts. Methodological framework is rooted in social constructivist paradigm and involves a quali-quantitative approach to the research subject. The quantitative approach consisted of mapping frequency distributions of the terms interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity and their variations in the 306 articles in which they appear. Articles are grouped in frequency ranges 1 to 5, 6 to 10, and more than 10 (10+) instances. This measures the discussion intensity at the studied editions of ENANCIB as a whole and within workgroups, which were regrouped in subject areas so as to overcome irregularities in names and functioning. A complementary citation analysis allowed a discussion on authors and works most cited in the articles that deal more significantly with the investigated subjects. This quantitative approach revealed a scenario of concentrations and dispersions. By its turn, the qualitative approach consisted of an interpretive analysis of discourse contents within an empirical nucleus constituted by the 19 oral presentations from the History and Epistemology subject area which belong to 10+ range and therefore concentrate the potentially most significant discussions. Presentations were grouped on the basis of relations among their authors and contents, and the analysis discusses theoretical-methodological and argumentative consistency, paying special attention to the dialog with cited authors as well as to peculiarities exhibited by this material. With respect to interdisciplinarity, the analysis reveals tensions and divergences, inconsistencies and fragilities, besides articulations between theoretical discourse and political-institutional action, as well as evidences of a need to enhance and deepen the debate on the subject. Discussions on the meaning of these findings to both ENANCIB and a larger context lead to the proposition of the categories lato sensu interdisciplinarity and stricto sensu interdisciplinarity, as well as the principle of interdisciplinarity presumption, which compose a critical synthesis of difficulties, challenges and potentialities pointed out by the present investigation. As for transdisciplinarity, besides the small volume of research found, the study revealed the importance of deepening theoretical dialog with the most prominent authors and reaching a clearer stand on their different theoretical propositions, as well as the need to establish an articulation with the constructions of the area about interdisciplinarity. These aspects amount to a challenging horizon for the future of Information Science in the Brazilian context. To foster the development of theorizations on both research subjects, one suggests a study of aspects that may improve the inducing, assessing and monitoring roles played by institutional forums.


ciência da informação teses. epistemologia teses. abordagem interdisciplinar do conhecimento teses

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