Ciência da educação na Bahia : infância afrodescendente e epistemologia crítica no ensino fundamental.




This master s thesis tries to go deeper into themes related to the education s science on which primary school education is based in Bahia (Brazil). We dispute some of is presumptions, discuting the main fundation of the modern epistemologic projet and criticizing the separation established between subjet and object as the organizational framework of the modern educator s epistemology. We analyse also the overvalorization of cognition or of the super rational subject, considerez hierarchically superior. In this way, we analyse the negation of the afrodescedant experience in the infancy within the context of the state of bahia as the knowledge produced in school by the afrodescendant is of an abstract nature and is organized according to a modern-colonial vision where an ethnocentric posture which denies all alterity is yet prevailing. On the other side, we initiate a reflection upon a critical epistemology which considers the principle of reconciliation as a significant task realized by the afrodescendant from this territory, linked to some other principles validated by this subjects, mainly those who share the experience of the religious community from african tradition. This interpretation is articulated with the critic made by the heideggerian ontology which lead to rethink the scientific principles prevailing in the modern-occidental tradition. We show the existence of barriers to the application of a critical epistemology in schools : the object subject dualism as a foundation of education s sciences provokes a cut with the experience of the afro-descendant child, as well at the educator s absent-minded glance on reality; a interpratation done by the educators about genetic education (more well known among them as constructivism) provokes a linear glance upon the subjects in which the biological is more important than the cultural, social or political; religious intolerance provokes prejudice against afrodescendants in school; the social configuration of school is perverse and make dificult the formation of an epistemological critic, mainly is ones consider the method, didactic, from the conditions of the educators formation. Thise barriers shoud be confronted so as to minimise them or who know, exclude them fromthe dayly life in school.


primary school education crianças afrodescendentes educação da criança bahia epistemology epistemologia educacao education and rigts of the afrodescendant child ensino fundamental

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