Cidade e natureza : relações entre e produção do espaço urbano, a degradação ambiental e os movimentos sociais em Bauru-SP / City and nature : relations among the urban space production, the environmental degradation and the social movements in Bauru-SP




The presupposed of this project is to analyze the process of environmental degradation represented by gully in the urban location of Bauru. Such process is the result of natural characteristics that reveals high environmental frailty with a tendency to erosions, common in most part of Paulista Western Plateau, in interaction with the social production of urban space carried out by economical, political and social agents. It?s related to the aggravation of the degradation provoked after the 1950s attached to the production of urban landed revenue. As a consequence of this issue interconnected to the process of social and spatial segregation in Bauru, we assist to a growing mobilization of the society that starts demanding of the local power the resolution of social environmental problems. It has been objectified to understand the production of urban space and its reverberations in the environment, that, when it is deteriorated, has unchained a social mobilization searching for environmental sustenance. This project relating to the environmental and social aspects granted some results: the gully process, in the same way that, the disintegration of the city and its spreading noticed for the presence of urban unoccupied is a social problem, established between the characteristics and the specification of urbanization that compounded with the physical aspects makes the gully process is not commanded only by natural process and it begins to incorporate a clear logic of accumulation


environmental degradation gully degradação ambiental - bauru (sp) espaço geografico geography social movements urban spacy movimentos sociais voçorocas - bauru (sp) geografia

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