Cidade e natureza: análise da gestão ambiental da zona costeira do litoral norte paulista




The objective of the thesis is to analyze the relations between urbanization and ambient quality in the coastal zone of the São Paulo North Coast. And to investigate if the public politics of ambient management and instruments of planning implemented by the State, until the moment, had contributed for the improvement of the conditions of quality of life in the region, as well as, if the forms of use and occupation of the ground are conflicting with the process of development, understood as a qualitative jump and not only as a mere economic growth. It was broken of the initial hypothesis of that a narrow relation exists enters the level of ambient quality and the process of urbanization, and that the increasing degradation of coastal ecosystems is provoked by the disordered urban expansion, in function of the interests of the capital. One is about a region of expressiva biological diversity, enclosing the cities of Caraguatatuba, Ubatuba, São Sebastião and Ilhabela, having as natural resources, beyond the littoral coast, composed for beaches of rare beauty, the Mountain range of the Sea and Atlantic Mata. These characteristics are configured in a fort appeal to the implantation of directed real estate enterprises to the tourism, represented, mainly, for the secondary residences. Real estate speculation, irregular land divisions, predatory tourism, clandestine nestings, demographic growth with significant migratory movement, are elements that exemplifies the urbanization process that comes occurring of disordered form in the region. The picture of social ambient aggravates, given the negative consequences on the quality of life provoked by the pollution and beach degradation, rivers and streams, for the deforestation, the destruction of fens and the practice of predatory fishes, in way to the social exclusion of the native population. These conflicts claim for the action of the State, through instruments of ambient management, based in the State Plan of Coastal Management, whose alternatives for the social and economic development of the region we evaluate in this work, on the basis of documentary the bibliographical research and, basing the empirical research. The analysis of the facts evidences a problematic aggravation of the urban throughout the time, with the deepening disequilibrium of the ambient and also bringing effects to the social economy of the region, given the exaggeration gap between planning and implementation of the public politics


mar, serra do coastal zone of the são paulo north coast ambient quality conservacao da natureza urbanização qualidade ambiental litoral norte paulista, sp ciencias sociais aplicadas zona costeira do litoral norte paulista gestao ambiental mata atlantica urbanization

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