Church, state and education in Martin Luther: an analysis of origin of right to education. / Igreja, estado e educação em Martinho Lutero: uma análise das origens do direito à educação




The objective of this work is to analyze the relationship among the Church, State and the Educational System during the Protestant Reformation in 16th century, focusing actions of Martin Luther. Having as a main objective a religious reform creation, Luther also presented plans for changing the current educational system. The scenario Luther was inserted was based on an educational system ruled and maintained by the Church, and he proposes both system organizational changes (ranging items such as curriculum, methods, teachers, financing plans, among others) and the principles and basement that should conduct this educational system, supporting that it should be every people (including girls), mandatory attending, useful for the society and sustained by the State. He opened a discussion about the origin of a public elementary school, in line with to the deeds of "Brother-Hoods", Roman Catholic clerical group that also promoted some practice complying with that since 14th century, using the reformer ideas. However, the State role that Luther attributes to the educational system is the kernel of this work, through analyzes of the Luther formation of the "State" concept, considering the period when the analysis was taken as well as the approach the authorities had with the underlying subject. Although many of Luthers ideas were applied after his death, and mainly in the centuries to follow, its important to highlight the contributions he brought to make the educational system as a State duty and a right for all the citizens.


right to education state and education igreja e estado protestant reformation reforma protestante direito à educação church and state estado e educação martinho lutero martin luther

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