Children with cleft lip and palate:sense of the malformation in maternal speech / Crianças com fissuras labiopalatinas : os sentidos da malformação no discurso materno




This dissertation aims to study the attributed senses to the mothers speech about a child who was born with cleft lip and palate. This work treats the problem of cleft lip and palate in its organic aspects, the notion and the construction of the body in Psychanalisis, the children and their relationship with the Other, and, above all, the cleft baled by the mothers speech. These clefts are refered to as congenit malformation, and its for this reason that these children have brought with them, at the moment they were born, a discontinuous mark in their lip and palate. We became interested in investigating the subjective implications of a cleft scene and, because of this, we started a qualitative research at the Hospital Infantil Albert Sabin HIAS, where six interviews were made with cleft childrens mothers. We used the Psychanalisis theory to reflect about all the thematic that appeared during the investigation development. The realization of this work revealed that the subjective constitution process can be preserved, even in the presence of serious malformations, once the mothers speech can be unglued from the organic damage, resulting that the child doesnt recognize herself only as a malformation carrier. Keywords: body, language, cleft lip and palate, Psychanalisis.


psicanÁlise infantil - dissertaÇÕes fissura labial - dissertaÇÕes tratamento e prevencao psicologica

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